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Groovy Grizzly
Project Number #419
Physical Dimensions:
Height: Forever Changing
Weight: Forever Changing
Estimated BF%: Forever Changing
Mental Acumen: Level (Schooling): GED
Estimated IQ: 11
Social Media Handle: @GroovyGrizzly
Who is Groovy Grizzly and why is Groovy Grizzly here?
"The Groovy Grizzly was discovered balls deep in the psychedelic forest by Manbun Jesus and The Psychedelic Sasquatch. They showed the Groovy Grizzly the art of Professional Wrestling and taught him how to shake his butt for the people. Although he doesn’t speak, the Grizzly’s actions in the ring speaks volumes. The Grizzly is determined to become a legend. And once he is a star, he will return back to the Psychedelic Forest to tell his tales of his grand adventure."

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