Program Duration
12 Weeks
3 Sessions Per Week
Consists of In-Ring and Character Creation Sessions
5/13 - 7/31 Session 1
8/5 - 10/24 Session 2
This 12 Week training curriculum is geared to those taking their very first steps into the world of Professional Wrestling and those who require a reevaluation and refresher on the fundamentals of in-ring training.
“Beginners” will be a strong focus on the foundational skills required to properly begin your career in Professional Wrestling. From the physicality of technical wrestling, in ring conditioning, rope work, and safety you will also begin the necessities on-camera presence, basic psychology, and public speaking.
Through “Beginners” your on-screen character will begin development, while your personal character will be trained, challenged, and vastly improved.
Within 12 Weeks, you will have the basic skills required to perform a professional wrestling match. You will also have a new found passion and calling for the sport. With so much more to learn, we strongly recommend enlisting into both sessions to expedite your growth with placement into our “Essentials” program.
Registration with Tuition Payment secures your spot in the program.
Step 1 - Register Below
Step 2 - Submit Your Payment
The Beginner Program
For Installment plans, if no payment is received after 5 business days, a 2.5% late fee will be assessed. Failure to make timely payments shall result in program suspension and/or dismissal. Cancellations made 30 days prior to your session start date will receive a full refund. Last minute withdrawals are subject to a 50% refund for cancellations made 14 days in advance. CYN: Co-Operative and any of its affiliations does not offer any money-back guarantees. You recognize and agree to these terms and conditions.