The only way into CYN is to show INITIATIVE
The unanimous Declaration of Control Your Narrative, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for bold enough performers to dissolve the status quo of an industry which has connected them with another, but long ago lost its way. “Control Your Narrative” is to manifest the powers of self. To have the courage to separate themselves from a conformist and toxic bubble created by corporate brands, corrupt media, and a minority, irreverent fan base.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all performers are created and treated equal, that they are endowed by both their Creator, and within themselves, certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Control, Freedom and the pursuit of Purpose.
To secure these rights, Control must be taken back. No longer is a performer controlled by the abuses and usurpations of Corporations, Politics, Media, Doctrine, or Personal Attachments. They take back Control from these entities when the free performer is willing to fight.
Freedom is in independence. The Freedom to think, the Freedom to Act, The Freedom to Speak, and the Freedom to feel. To attain this Freedom, it is the performer's right, it is the free performer's duty to be willing to fight.
Purpose is found through all experiences hath shewn. The free performer is disposed to suffer through their journey. They have felt and embraced their suffering. Their suffering has led to their growth. Through taking back control, embracing the noble fight for their freedoms, the performer overcomes this tyranny. They find Purpose.
We, therefore, the Representatives of CYN, appealing to the Supreme Judges of the Wrestling World, solemnly publish and declare that we are Free and Independent performers. We are Absolved from all allegiance to three letter brands, corporate allegiances, rumors and opinions reported as fact, and online hate tanks. As Free and Independent performers, have full Power to levy live shows, television broadcasts, Combat amongst ourselves and others, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and TELL OUR STORY. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
This is What We Do
Initiative Dates:
CYN Initiative: TEXAS
Covering ALL of Texas
Wed 10/12
Hybrid School of Wrestling
@ControlYourNarrative (Note: "Texas")

Sat 10/22
The Joy Theater
@ControlYourNarrative (Note: "New Orleans")

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