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Control Your Narrative was founded by professional wrestling champions "The Titan" Adam Scherr and ec3 and their business partner Jedediah Koszewski during the trying times of the pandemic. CYN exists to give established talent a platform to reinvent themselves, while giving new talent an opportunity to "become who they are supposed to be."


- Providing established talent a platform to reinvent themselves independent 
of a corporately mandated persona
- Giving new talent the opportunity to “become who they are supposed to be.” 
- CYN will give a new generation of wrestlers an opportunity explore their creativity in and out of the ring.
- CYN, IS the first independently owned and operated televised wrestling company by wrestlers.

- CYN will provide fans with engaging characters, unique stories, and action. Fans will have the power to determine the narrative, who earns opportunities, a say in the story telling.
- Through creatively filmed videos fans will have the ability to connect with characters from the ground up and characters will receive real time feedback and shape their narrative accordingly.
- CYN fans will communicate directly with talent by participating in group discussions shaping the company and talent narratives.

- CYN on Tour IS Family Friendly, exciting and entertaining. 
- CYN wants wrestling fans to fall in love with wrestling all over again, from the most ardent fan to the lapsed.
- CYN on Tour will be about OPPORTUNITY: Each CYN show will give local stars the chance to shine gaining valuable experience and mentorship through the CYN: Initiative Process.
- CYN on Tour will have some of the biggest names in the industry, and the next wave of talent that will become those names.

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